SQL Problems Collection

Today, I’m gonna write down some SQL problems I’ve solved or faced during interviewing and working.
First Goes First

1. Find the average price of 3 recent days

P/S: This problem is originally from Axon Hackerank Online Test.
You have 1 table named Transactions: Transactions(ID, ResourceID, Price, TransactionTime)

Example data

1insert into transactions(ID, Name, Price, Time)
3(1, 'Shoes', 100, 20220810),
4(2, 'Hat', 50, 20220809),
5(3, 'Shirt', 50, 20220808);

You are asked to write SQL query showing the average price of 3 recent days for everyday.


1select t. time,
2	(
3		select sum(t1.price)/3
4		from transactions t1
5		where t1.time <= t.time AND t1.time >= (t.time - 2)
7	) as avg_price
8from transaction_time t;

what is the time complexity of this query?? (nested select) It’s just declarative language, the engine will do its job to optimize the query

Check this email for more detail: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGrbRVWLvJWxrLPCdzzGVbdPGKh

3. List out all users with the same phone and email

P/S: This is the result i need to query while doing the job at Geniebook


1select u1.id, u1.mobile , u1.email , u2.id, u2.mobile , u2.email 
2from "user" u1 join "user" u2 on u1.mobile =u2.mobile and u1.email=u2.email and u2.id > u1.id;